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» QCFI Knowledge Test
QCFI Knowledge Test
Welcome to QCFI Knowledge Test
Team name - Full Name of Leader
Name of Company
Can an Executive from a different department be a Facilitator in another area?
A. Yes
B. Once
C. Sometimes
D. Never
Which type of check sheet is meant to be placed in the drawing or sketch of the product so that location of defects can be identified and investigated?
A. Defective item check
B. Defective Location Check
C. Defective cause check
D. Defective drawing/sketch check
In which year, Dr. K. Ishikawa used cause and effect diagram in Kawasaki Iron Works.
A. 1943
B. 1953
C. 1962
D. 1982
During development of solution stage in a group LQC, which type of brainstorming will be more useful?
A. Slip method
B. Unstructured method
C. Round Robin method
D. All above
In which type of brainstorming do we follow the 4 rules, a) contribute in turn b) one idea per turn c)pass if no idea and d)do not explain your idea:
A. Freewheeling
B. Round Robin
C. Slip method
D. None of the above
Can open intervals be used for drawing a Histogram?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Never
D. Sometimes
HOD signature is made in the bottom of the recorded minuet's
A. After every meeting
B. Every month
C. After completion of project
D. Before going to the QC competition
A Quality Improvement Team conducted their meeting 3 times a day? Is it possible?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Never
D. Not possible
In Pareto Diagram, for separating ‘vital few and useful many’, at a glance is a method
A. Compound graph method
B. Visual method
C. Audio Method
D. Juran’s Method
If the least count of a balance is 2 gm and the minimum weight out of 289 packets checked is 98 gms. What should be the lower limit of the first class interval?
A. 96gm
B. 97gm
C. 100gm
D. 101gm
What does ‘RUN’ signify in control chart:
A. Three point occur on one side of the control chart
B. No points occur on one side of the control chart
C. Seven or more points occur continuously on one side of the control chart
D. None of the above
Who has first used charting techniques to improve quality of medical care?
A. Florence Macdonald
B. Florence Nightingale
C. Nightingale Kristin
D. Nightingale Donald
Which chart is more useful for planning the activity of the Quality circle members:
A. Mile stone Chart or Gantt chart
B. Priority chart
C. Either A or B
D. None of the above
In self audit, the auditor will be in next audit.
A. Facilitator
B. Guide
C. Co-auditor
D. Senior Auditor
What is the purpose of Visual Management?
A. Mistake proofing
B. Pictorial representation
C. Easy to follow
D. All above
Who introduced Quality Control Circles in Japan?
A. Dr. Shigeo Shingo
B. Dr. Geinichi Taguchi
C. Dr. Junji Noguchi
D. Dr. K Ishikawa
The Lorenz Curve of Concentration is
A. Cumulative Causes
B. Cumulative Line
C. Cumulative %ge curve
D. All as above
Who developed sampling techniques that were used for conducting 1940’s census in the USA?
A. Dr. W.E. Deming
B. Dr. W.A. Shewhart
C. Dr. J.M. Juran
D. Philips B. Crosby
Which Quality Guru has pioneered applying statistics to diverse fields such as optimum height of a dam, Meteorological forecasting, determining level of irrigation etc?
A. Dr. Genichi Taguchi
B. Dr. K. Ishikawa
C. Dr. Abdul Kalam
D. Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis.
When controlling a work process, it is checked by two methods, one is through checking the results ,what is other?
A. Analysing causes of variation
B. Checking through Methodology
C. Checking through Targets policy
D. All above are correct
What is the strategy for defect prevention?
A. To control variations
B. To control Assignable causes
C. Statistical Process Control
D. All the above
What will be the next step in problem solving sequence, when the validity of the project checked, improvement observed and approved by the management?
A. Trial Implementation
B. Regular Implementation
C. Foreseen Probable Resistance to study
D. All as above
Deming prize is a Japanese quality award for contribution to the field of quality control given to
A. Individuals
B. Groups
C. Individuals & Organization
D. Organisations
What is Hitch hiking?
A. Free ride on others vehicle
B. Building up on others idea
C. Building up on others land
D. All are same
Kaizen means on going improvement involving from:
A. Top to bottom employees
B. Contract Manpower
C. Associates employees
D. All the above
Quality planning, Quality control, Quality improvement is known as?
A. Quality Triple
B. Quality Tripod
C. Quality Triplet
D. Juran s Trilogy
What could be the obvious conclusion, if a standard has not been revised fora long time?
A. Standard not documented
B. Standard not formulated
C. Standard not in use
D. Combination of A& B
Dr. J.M. Juran encompassed Quality planning, Quality Control and _____in to one word, i.e. Juran’s Trilogy?
A. Quality presentation
B. Quality improvement
C. Quality trial
D. Quality standardization
The current “Vital few and useful many” was known as ‘Vital view and
A. Trivial Lot
B. Lot of Trivial
C. Trivial more
D. Trivial many
What is the name of pictorial representation of data?
A. Data collection in format
B. Data Analysis
C. Graph
D. Data Sheet
For making Pareto diagram , we need two tools, one is Data collection, what is another tool?
A. Collection of data in percentage
B. Stratification
C. For calculation of Factors for Control Limit
D. Making graph
If maximum marks given for any checkpoint is’S’ Auditor in self audit has given 5 out of 5. What will be the role of sub zone! Zone leader?
A. To appreciate the people of that area
B. To go and visit the area with auditors to ensure the marks given is correct
C. Take out that point from the checklist
D. Inform the zone head for improvement of that area.
In DMAIC, ‘Control’ consists of which step of the 12 steps of problem solving sequence
A. 10th and 11th steps
B. 11th steps alone
C. 11th and 12th steps
D. 12th steps alone
Few observations taken for study are called
A. Population
B. Random
C. Sample
D. Few samples
Which is the best method to start Quality Circles?
A. By management issuing a circular to managers
B. By exposing the employees to the concept
C. By nominating a few bright employees
D. By mentally preparing all people by systematic exposure to the concept first and enable voluntary formation
A small circle in a Flow Diagram is an indication of
A. Activity
B. End
C. Decision
D. Connecting two flow diagrams
In ‘Root cause analysis’ step in problem solving, Quality Circle follow:
A. Why why analysis
B. Validation of causes
C. Pareto Analysis
D. Stratification
When was the revised definition of the concept of QCC introduced by JUSE?
A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1995
D. 1998
What is Internal audit in 5’s system?
A. Management Audit
B. Steering Committee audit
C. Audit by cross functional departments
D. Third Party audit
Whose responsibility is to ensure implement of “Innovation” in their organization?
A. Top Management
B. Middle officers & Supervisors
C. Workers
D. Alias above
In a bar graph should each bar have the same width?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Never
If brainstorming seems to slow down, leader may suggest:
A. Six Thinking Hat
B. Piggy backing
C. End of meeting
D. Comedy Jokes
What is the last step in Problem solving ,where control chart can be used?
A. Data collection
B. Analysis of the data
C. Regular Implementation
D. Follow up and Review
What is Round Robin Method?
A. Structured Method
B. Reverse Method
C. Unstructured Method
D. Hitch Hiking Method
The numerical ratio of displacement to distance covered by a moving object is
A. always less than 1
B. always equal to 1
C. always more than 1
D. equal or less than 1
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