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QCFI Knowledge Test
Welcome to QCFI Knowledge Test
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Which Quality Guru has pioneered applying statistics to diverse fields such as optimum height of a dam, Meteorological forecasting, determining level of irrigation etc?
A. Dr. Genichi Taguchi
B. Dr. K. Ishikawa
C. Dr. Abdul Kalam
D. Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis.
Suggestion is a…………………. approach.:
A. Japanese
B. Indian
C. Western
D. Europeon
What will be the angle for representing Rs 4000/- as travelling expenses out of total expenditure of Rs. 80,000/-on a pie graph?
A. 16 deg
B. 18 deg
C. 20 deg
D. 22 deg
Who was the Founder President of JUSE?
A. Kaoru Ishikawa
B. Ichiro Ishikawa
C. Genichi Taguchi
D. None of the above
After C & E Analysis , for finding out Root cause, Why why Analysis is the next step
A. Yes
B. No
C. Always
D. Not above
What is the second stage of industrial cycle as per Dr. A. V Feignbaum?
A. New design control
B. Management Control
C. Incoming Material control
D. Shop Floor control
Which National Organisation in India was established for the promotion, propagation and advancement of the theory and practice of Quality Circle as a part of Total Quality Management?
B. Productivity council of india
D. Federation of Indian Industry
Rarely used items to be:
A. Dispose off immediately
B. Store at a distant place
C. Keep in work place
D. Keep it handy
Mode, Median, and Mean are three measures of:
A. Central tendency
B. Upper tendency
C. Situational tendency
D. Lower Central tendency
If the least count of a balance is 2 gm and the minimum weight out of 289 packets checked is 98 gms. What should be the lower limit of the first class interval?
A. 96 gm
B. 97 gm
C. 100 gm
D. 101 gm
If Pareto Diagram is combination of Line and Bar graph ie Compound Graph, which type of graph is Cause n Effect Diagram?
A. Compound Graph
B. Pyramid Graph
C. Float Graph
D. It is not a graph
To study if there is any correlation between a speed of vehicle and Fuel consumption of respective vehicle. Which elementary tool should be used?
A. Histogram
B. Check Sheet
C. Scatter Diagram
D. None of the above
For setting objective a QC should decide based on _____________?
A. What
B. When
C. How much
D. Where
Which type of Kaizen would be helpful for Poka —Yoka?
A. Individual Kaizen
B. Group Kaizen at Sr and Middle level
C. Group Kaizen at grass root level
D. All above
‘PEEP’ isusedin
A. Seiri
B. Shitsuke
C. Seiketsu
D. None of above
The gains of seiri step under 5’S are?
A. Availability of more space
B. Excess is easy
C. Elimination of unsafe condition
D. All above
In LQC all Tools & techniques have been divided in 3 phases. Which one dose not belong to Phase II
A. Mile stone chart
B. Priority Number/ranking method
C. Pareto Analysis
D. Stratification
Name the control chart which is used to know the number of defects per unit:
A. Range chart
B. Mean chart
C. p-chart
D. c-chart
The difference between one reading and next reading is taken for moving average Range. If one reading is 588 and next reading is 585 what would be the moving average Range for Individual and Moving Range Chart?
A. 588-585
B. 585-588
C. 588+585
D. All above
Who gave the concept of “Zero defect” and wrote the book Quality without tears”?
A. Dr. W.E. Deming
B. Philip B. Crosby
C. Dr. J. M. Juran
D. Dr. K. Ishikawa
Where should the presence of an invitee or a potential member be marked in the QC Register?
A. Attendance Page
B. Special Invitee
C. Make separate attendance sheet
D. No need
In 1950s, after world war II, a Quality Guru said that “Statistical Quality Control should be part of Management Control”who said this?
A. Dr. W.E. Deming
B. Dr. Genichi Taguchi
C. Dr. A. V. Feigenbaum
D. Dr. J. M. Juran
Can we conclude that a process is under control when there are 7 or more points continuously on one side of the average line?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Never
Is visual display of calibration of instrument part of 5’S?
A. Some times
B. Yes
C. As per HOD instruction
D. No
Which one is not Variable Control Chart?
A. Continuous Variables
B. Measurable Variables
C. Discrete Variables
D. All above
Which cells do not have perforated cell walls?
A. Tracheids
B. Companion cells
C. Sieve tubes
D. Vessels
If target date is over and action not taken, what to be done by the zone! sub zone leader?
A. Remind to the responsible person
B. Remind the responsible person and record the date of reminder in remark column
C. Follow point ‘B’ and after three reminders, report to Zone head
D. Report to Management
If a Quality Circle member is engaged in some project, can he take another burning problem forming simultaneously LQC?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Impossible
When a process is following normal distribution what percentage of observations fall outside the 3 sigma limits?
A. 3%
B. 3.4 partspermillion
C. 0.27%
D. 2.2partsperbillion
Which one is the best method for selection of a problem in Quality Circle?
A. HOD’s instruction
B. Priority number Method
C. Facilitator’s views
D. Gnatt method
Organizations who have won the Deming Prize, can apply for which prestigious award?
A. Japan Model for Quality
B. Japan Quality Medal
C. Japan Quality Award
D. Japan Award for Quality
Hidden areas to be identified from:
A. His /Her own area
B. His /Her own area + Given area
C. His /Her own department
D. His /Her own department+ other department given by Management
In case of difference in the ‘Planned’ and ‘actual’ against a Milestone chart, what it gives lesson to circle members
A. Members must have clarity about the project
B. Members must plan ahead the foreseen obstacles
C. Members must improve their estimation capability.
D. All as above
Red Tag not to provide on which items?
A. All scrap items
B. All organised items
C. All out dated items
D. All surplus items
How many Quality Circles, one Facilitator can guide?
A. One
B. Three
C. No limit but manageable
D. Five
Which one is not the part of three stage of Kaizen?
A. Eliminate
B. Reduce
C. Store
D. Change
Deming prize is a Japanese quality award for contribution to the field of quality control given to
A. Individuals
B. Groups
C. Individuals & Organization
D. Organisations
To know the type of defects and their magnitude, which type of sheet should be used?
A. Defective Location Checks
B. Defective Item Checks
C. Defective Cause Cheeks
D. None of the above
Elementary statistical method consisting of 7 tools has to be used by everyone and 95% of all the problems in a company can be solved by the use of these tools, who said this?
A. Dr. Genichi Taguchi
B. Dr. J. M. Juran
C. Dr. K. Ishikawa
D. Dr. W. E. Deming
Which type of check sheet is meant to be placed in the drawing or sketch of the product so that location of defects can be identified and investigated?
A. Defective item check
B. Defective Location Check
C. Defective cause check
D. Defective drawing/sketch check
How we can proceed through Paperless practices?
A. Use of Pen drive
B. Use of Digital
C. Elimination of prints
D. All as above
What is notbelongs to Seiketsu in Five -‘S?
A. Minimum unnecessary activities
B. Maintains Retrieval time more
C. Maintains cleanliness
D. Maintains standard pipe line coding
The impact of kaizen is long lasting in the process with change
A. Occasional
B. Sometimes
C. Continuous
D. Ones in a year
What is the origin (country) of Five-S Concept?
A. India
B. Japan
D. China
Is leadership of Quality Circle rotatable?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Facilitator
D. Depends on Management
Time is Up!