RCOEM-QCFI-Centre of Human Excellence, Department of Management Technology, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management in association with Vidarbha Industries Association HRD Forum inaugurateda training program on Competency Building for Management Students pursing HR Specialization on 29th June, 2021 on virtual platform.
Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Head DMT, RCOEM gave the opening remarks and welcomed all the Guests, Industry Associates, and Participants for inaugural ceremony. He cherished association of Department of Management Technology with VIA, Nagpur.
More than 50 Participants from Regional Labour Institute, Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Baburao Deshmukh College of Management, C.P & Beraar College of Management, Punjabrao Deshmukh College of Management, Kamla Nehru College of Management, Govindrao Vanjari College of Management, Central Institute of Business Management, Ballarpur Institute of Technology College participated in the training Program.
Mr. Manish Aurangabadkar, Executive Director, Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd. as Knowledge Partner for the event addressed the gathering. He expressed Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltdis honored to contribute towards development of future generations.
Dr. Rajesh Pande, Principal, RCOEM, Chief Guest for ceremony was appreciative for arranging a need of the time training program. He stated “Economy is witnessing rapid change, present is the age of disruptions along with constraints of digital era. Industry is moving very fast towards VUCA World (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous), this results in need for future generations to upgrade and update”.
Mr. Suresh Rathi, President VIA, Nagpur in his presidential address stated “VIA HRD Forum has taken this initiative in order to develop practical know- how amongst students pursuing management degrees in HR Specialization. This novel initiative from VIA HRD Forum is to bring experts from Industry and Academia to train HR specialization students on Industry perspectives in human resource practices”.
Among the invitees Mr. Vivek Shrouty, Secretary, QCFI, Nagpur Chapter and Dr. Rajiv Khaire, Dean Industry Institute Interaction Cell, RCOEM were also present.
Mr. Suresh Pandilwar, Co-Chairman, VIA HRD Forum proposed the Vote of Thanks. He expressed his gratitude towards organizing teams of VIA HRD Forum, Nagpur, RCOEM and RCOEM-QCFI-Centre of Human Excellence for making the inaugural ceremony a success. He expressed his gratitude towards knowledge partner Ankur Seeds Private Limited a renowned and top Agri-seeds supplier in India for sponsoring the program.
Event was followed by first session under training program with Mr. Tushar Kharalkar as a resource person. Dr. Pritam Bhadade, Coordinator, Center of Human Excellence, RCOEM, Dr. Kanak Wadhwani, Coordinator, Center of Human Excellence, RCOEM worked hard to make program a success. Ms. Neelam Bowade, VIA HRD Forum Nagpur was MOC for inaugural session.