Practical Guidebook on Five S

December 4th, 2020 by  / Total comments: 56

Authors: Mr. DK Srivastava, Mr.Mahendra Shastri and Mr.VK Bhuvan Das
Published By: Quality Circle Forum of India, Hyderabad Chapter
Reviewed By: Vivek Shrouty

This book is an excellent document for the beginners, learners and for them who want to implement the 5S work place management.

Foreword for the book has been penned by Mr. Satish .J. Kalokhe, President –QCFI. He beautifully explains the importance of 5S and mentioned that

“This book definitely will help the organization to make their workplace a World Class Management of “5-S” and help the organization for implementation of Lean manufacturing and TQM”.

This book on 5S is divided in 15 different chapters explaining each S from 5S concept, 5S in office, 5S in Home, 5S in School and 5S in hospital and other areas.

The author well explained the relationship between the Japanese concept of 5S i.e. Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke with the Indian rural culture related to agriculture which is having various steps like Plugging, Sowing, Irrigation and watering.

5S at home has been well explained with the help of two numbers of case studies. Also emphasis has been given on How to introduce 5S at home?

In this book special focus is given on concept of “JAGRUTI GROUP” and one chapter is dedicated for explaining this concept. The objective of this group is to develop awareness and cultural changes among the employees with respect to personal hygiene, maintenance of factory and its surrounding areas.

For the beginners and who want to implement the 5S in their organization, for them how organizational structure to be and what are the roles of the persons involve in the implementation of 5S , with this special attention is given on how to implement and institutionalization of 5S in the organization with phases of implementation. For the readers and who want to implement for then, 5S audit sheet as available for ready reference. This is an added advantage of this book.

When any organization, industry, school or at home, anyone want to implement the 5S, there is need of creative ideas to make the work place better. To make this easy at first stage that is during the implementation and in journey of 5S implementation, a chapter has been dedicated on the creative ideas with good numbers of pictures, which are sufficient to motivate and help in making innovative and creative idea at workplace. Also more pictures are available throughout the book.

It is to be worth to mentioned over here about the procedure of 5S certification from JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers)in association with QCFI is well mentioned in this book , which is of great use.

This book is useful not only to the 5S practitioner, but also to new comers in the field of quality management system, Quality Circle, TPM and others. The book is having simple language and easy to understand the concepts of 5S.

Happy Reading!!!

Mr. Vivek Shrouty Author: ViVEK SHROUTY
Secretary , QCFI Nagpur Chapter

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